Meet your farmers!
Tiffany Thompson and her husband, Alex Hessler, moved to Floyd in 2019 to operate the vegetable business at Riverstone. Tiffany and Alex share a passion for sustainable and organic agriculture. Tiffany managed the educational organic vegetable farm at the University of Kentucky for five years prior to moving to Virginia in 2016. After 7 years as an instructor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech, Alex officially joined the farm full-time in 2021. Both Tiffany and Alex hold master’s degrees in horticulture from the University of Kentucky. They live in the farmhouse at Riverstone with their 5 year old son Clay.
Tiffany and Alex are joined by a team of passionate farm workers who help make the dream come true. It takes a lot of heavy lifting to plan and orchestrate a full season of diversified vegetables. Stay informed through social media to learn who's working with us this season. Instagram: @RiverstoneOrganicFarm Facebook: RiverstoneOrganicFarm
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