Kat The Farmer
Contact: Kat Johnson
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About Us
Hi! I am Kat, the farmer, and growing food is my life’s work. Organic farming has been part of my life since I first began working in agriculture in high school. Since then I have worked on seven different farms across the country, and learned from many skilled growers along the way. I was fortunate to put down roots in Floyd County, where I built a beautiful home by hand with the love of my life, Joshua. The food-filled, community centered, creative and meaningful work of growing and selling organic food speaks to my heart. This little farm and food company was founded in January 2021 and has been a long time coming! I envision it growing into a beautiful, productive, and sustainable small farm that provides a joyful life, a livelihood, a classroom and a community gathering space
Here are my tenets of growing food for you & my community.
Soil Focused means that as I farm I am always thinking and trying to preserve the life, and health of the soil by limiting erosion, exposure, and reducing tillage. Each year I take soil tests and work out a fertility plan to balance the soil and provide what the plants need without providing excess nutrients.
No GMOs or Treated Seeds, never ever. I prioritize ordering Certified Organic Seeds from seed companies I trust (mainly: Johnny’s, High Mowing, Uprising Seeds, Mumms, and Fedco).
No Synthetic Chemicals, I only use naturally derived inputs such as Harmony Fertilizer or BT for worms. All of my inputs are approved for use in organic production (see “OMRI” label on products)
Prevention and Exclusion are my first defense against crop pests whether insect or mammalian. Tunnels are screened to exclude insects and certain vulnerable crops (like arugula!) will be grown under cover to keep them free of pests and eliminate the need for sprays of any kind.
Annual Peer-Farmer Inspection, required as part of Certified Naturally Grown. Community members are welcome to observe the inspection process. This is different from Certified Organic because it is more affordable, more grassroots, but aligns with almost every farming standard.
Contaminant Free field, pack shack, and practices are designed with food safety in mind. This means all hands, tools are cleaned and sanitized before use, and work areas are kept free of debris and animals.
Pollinator Friendly habitat is maintained to invite pollinators to forage on the farm. This includes native wildflower plantings and never spraying while beneficial insects are actively foraging.
Freshly Harvested is a big part of what makes local greens unique. I harvest the day before or day of delivery and wash things to specifications designed to lengthen shelf life naturally by controlling temperature and humidity! What a difference it makes.
Full Transparency: Curious about my fertilizer, seed variety, or cultural practice-I am an open book! You have the right to ask me anything, or sign up to observe an annual inspection.
Soil Focused means that as I farm I am always thinking and trying to preserve the life, and health of the soil by limiting erosion, exposure, and reducing tillage. Each year I take soil tests and work out a fertility plan to balance the soil and provide what the plants need without providing excess nutrients.
No GMOs or Treated Seeds, never ever. I prioritize ordering Certified Organic Seeds from seed companies I trust (mainly: Johnny’s, High Mowing, Uprising Seeds, Mumms, and Fedco).
No Synthetic Chemicals, I only use naturally derived inputs such as Harmony Fertilizer or BT for worms. All of my inputs are approved for use in organic production (see “OMRI” label on products)
Prevention and Exclusion are my first defense against crop pests whether insect or mammalian. Tunnels are screened to exclude insects and certain vulnerable crops (like arugula!) will be grown under cover to keep them free of pests and eliminate the need for sprays of any kind.
Annual Peer-Farmer Inspection, required as part of Certified Naturally Grown. Community members are welcome to observe the inspection process. This is different from Certified Organic because it is more affordable, more grassroots, but aligns with almost every farming standard.
Contaminant Free field, pack shack, and practices are designed with food safety in mind. This means all hands, tools are cleaned and sanitized before use, and work areas are kept free of debris and animals.
Pollinator Friendly habitat is maintained to invite pollinators to forage on the farm. This includes native wildflower plantings and never spraying while beneficial insects are actively foraging.
Freshly Harvested is a big part of what makes local greens unique. I harvest the day before or day of delivery and wash things to specifications designed to lengthen shelf life naturally by controlling temperature and humidity! What a difference it makes.
Full Transparency: Curious about my fertilizer, seed variety, or cultural practice-I am an open book! You have the right to ask me anything, or sign up to observe an annual inspection.